

You will find here books and various publications written by Fr. J. Mariakumar and Ms.Mary Pereira.


From the Womb of the Mother to the Bosom of the Father (Vol.1)
Based on the Growth Retreat on Inner Healing and Holiness
by Fr. J. Mariakumar SVD & Ms. Mary Pereira

In Growth Retreats on Inner Healing and Holiness,participants are led to understand where they stand in their lives’ journey and in the light of the Word of God their minds become renewed (Rom 12:12).

Christian Maturity in Faith  &  Spiritual Warfare
(Vol. 2 of “From the womb of the Mother to the Bosom of the Father”)
by Fr. J. Mariakumar SVD & Ms. Mary Pereira

Sin against First Commandment, Spiritual Warfare, Catholic Church and the Charismatic Renewal, Truth about the Protestant Arguments

Thy Kingdom come – Abba and the Kingdom of God
by Ms. Mary Pereira

MARRIAGE AND FAMILY (Growing in Christian Maturity)
(Vol. III of “From the womb of the Mother to the bosom of the Father)
by Fr. J.Mariakumar and Ms. Mary Pereira

The heavenly model of every family is the family of God, and model of every earthly family is the Holy Family of Nazareth.

Gedanken zur Fasten- und Osterzeit
Die Autoren stellen eine Sammlung von Meditationen, Impulsen und Gebeten vor, die uns tiefer in die Geheimnisse der Fasten- und Osterzeit einführen.

Okkultismus und geistiger Kampf (Occult and a spiritual combat)
How occult practices like Reiki and the New Age contradict the spirit of the bible by Ms.M.Pereira and Fr.J.Mariakumar.

Ehe & Familie
von P. J. Mariakumar und Frau Mary Pereira
Das himmlische Vorbild einer Familie ist die Familie Gottes , und das Vorbild auf Erden ist die Heilige Familie von Nazaret.