What God says in our current situation with CoViD19

Our God is a God of love and He does not punish us as people interpret the mishaps that occur in our lives. There is no evil in Him and He does not intent to do evil to anyone. But He may permit the evil doer to work/influence our lives in order to purify us.

Nothing happens without the knowledge and permission of God. We need to be humble to recognise and acknowledge our faults, rather than questioning or blaming God for the mishaps. King David said, ‘ You are right in judging me; You are justified in condemning me’ (Ps.51.4).

God delivered Israelites from the slavery of Egypt so that they could worship the Lord (Exodus 7.16). Let us ‘test and examine our ways’ (Lam.3.40) to see whether we give this WORSHIP to our Creator God. Do we have time and space for God in our daily lives? Do we honour Him through our lives? Nowadays people have no time for God. Day and night they are so busy with many things for amassing more and more wealth, or to enjoy worldly pleasures.

Now because of this corona virus spreading, we are forced to stay at home. We are made to bend our knees for God to do a miracle. Covid 19, in a way is a blessing in disguise. More people are praying; they have time to read the Word of God and claim His promises; we are made to realize our total dependence on God. It is time to shed off all our pride, arrogance, self-sufficient thinking that we achieve many things in our lives through our power and might of our hand (Deut. 8.17).

God told Prophet Zechariah:

“I will be to her a wall of fire round about, and I will be the glory within her”.

Acknowledging our faults, seeking God’s mercy, promising to renew our lives in Him,  let us plead with the Lord to protect us with the Fire of the Holy Spirit and with the Power of the Precious Blood of Jesus (Ref. Rev.12.11).

Let us also take all the precautions given to us by our authorities.

“In overflowing wrath for a moment I hid my face from you, but with everlasting love i will have compassion on you, says the Lord, your redeemer”. (Is 54, 8)

P.S.: Let us also REMEMBER the POWER of HOLY ROSARY.

Saint Padre Pio said:
over your Enemy.”