I Firmly Confess and Believe

That “I am the child of God, (1 Jn. 3.1, Jn 1. 12)
 That “I am precious, honored, and loved by God” (Is. 43. 4)
 That “my God loves me with an everlasting love and he continues
his faithfulness to me” (Jer. 31.3)
 That “as a father has compassion for his children, so the Lord has
compassion for those who fear him” (Ps.103. 13)
 That “as a mother comforts her child, so will my God comfort me”
(Is. 66.13)
 That “my body is meant for the Lord and the Lord for my body”
(1 Cor.6.13); therefore I am not my own.
 That “my body is the member of the body of Christ” and I am
called for resurrection (1 Cor. 6.14)
 That “I am called to be one spirit with Christ” (1 Cor.6 17)
 That “ I am bought with the Precious Blood of Jesus and I will
glorify God in my body” (1 Cor.6.20)
 That “I am called to set my mind on things above” (Col.3.2)
 That “I am called to have the mind of Christ” (1 Cor.2.16; Phil.
 That “my citizenship is in heaven”(Phil. 3.20)
 That “The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he
protects those who take refuge in him” (Nahum 1.7)
 That “if I obey God’s voice and keep His covenant, I shall be his
treasured possession. (Ex. 19.5)
 That “my Lord will be a wall of fire all around me” (Zech. 2.5 That “the book of the law shall not depart out of my mouth; I shall
meditate on it day and night, so that I may be careful to act in
accordance with all that is written in it. Then I shall make my way
prosperous, and then I shall be successful” (Josh. 1.8)
 That “In all that I do, I will prosper, because my delight is in the
law of the Lord; I meditate on it day and night” (Ps. 1. 3. 2)
 That “my Lord is a shield around me, my glory, and the one who
lifts up my head” (Ps. 3.3)
 That “when the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears, and rescues
them from all their troubles” (Ps. 34.17)
 That “if the glory of the Lord is my rear guard, when I call, the
Lord will answer; when I cry for help, he will say, Here I am” (Is.
58. 8,9)
 That “If God is for us, who is against us” (Rom. 8.31)
 That “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can anyone
do to me?” (Heb. 13.6)
 That “all things work together for good for those who love God,
who are called according to his purpose” (Rom. 8.28).
 That “if my mother and father forsake me, the Lord will take me
up” (Ps.27.10)
 That “the Lord my God teaches me for my own good, and leads
me in the way I should go” (Is. 48.17)
 That “my God will instruct me and teach me the way I should go;
He will counsel me with his eye upon me” (Ps. 32.8)
 That “surely there is a future, and my hope will not be cut off”
(Prov. 23. 18) That “I will not be tested beyond my strength, but with every test
he will also provide the way out that I may be able to endure it” (1
Cor. 10.13)
 That “the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing
with the glory about to be revealed to us” (Rom. 8.18)
 That ‘no one and nothing will separate me from the love of Christ’
(Rom. 8.35)
 That "Jesus Christ is my wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and
redemption” (1 Cor.1.30)
 That “our pride is in the name of the Lord our God” (Ps.20. 7)
 That “in Jesus Christ every one of God’s promises is a Yes” for
me. (2 Cor.1.20)
 That “I can do all things in Him who strengthens me” (Phil. 4.13)
 That “I can lie down and sleep; I can wake again, for the Lord
sustains me.” (Ps. 3.5)
 That “I will both lie down and sleep in peace; for You alone,
make me lie down in safety.” (Ps. 4.8)s
 That “My God will fully satisfy every need of mine according to
his riches in glory in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4.19)
 That “my God will strengthen me, he will help me, he will uphold
me with his victorious right hand.” (Is. 41.10)
 That “my Lord has taken away the judgments against me, he has
turned away my enemies.” (Zeph. 3.15)
 That ‘Jesus has disarmed and defeated the powers of darkness
nailing them to the Cross’ (Col. 2.14,15)
 That “the one who is in me is greater than the one who is in the
world” (1 Jn.4.4)

 That “my Lord will strengthen the weak hands and make firm the
feeble knees” (Is. 35.4)
 That “I have no dread of my enemies, for the Lord my God, who
is present with me, is great and awesome God” (Deut. 7.21)
 That “my Lord will cause my enemies to be defeated before me”
(Deut. 28.7)
 That “I do not fear or be dismayed, for it is the Lord who goes
before me. He will be with me; he will not fail me or forsake me”
(Deut. 31.8)
 That “the angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him,
and delivers them” (Ps. 34.7)
 That “a thousand may fall at my side, ten thousand at my right
hand, but it will not come near me”(Ps. 91.7)
 That “in the shelter of Your presence you hide me from human
plots, you hold me safe under Your shelter from contentious
tongues” (Ps. 31.20)
 That “no evil shall befall me, no scourge come near my tent,
because I have made the Lord my refuge, the Most High my
dwelling place” (Ps. 91. 10,9)
 That “My God will command his angels to guard me in all my
ways” (Ps.91. 11)
 That “even if I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil; for
my God is with me and his rod and staff comfort me” (Ps.23.4)
 That “no weapon that is fashioned against me shall prosper” (Is.
 That “we trust in the Almighty God, who is able with a single nod
to strike down those who are coming against us” (2 Macc. 8.18)

 That “there is no enchantment against Jacob, no divination against
Israel” (Num. 23.23)
 That “I am not afraid, I will stand firm, and see the deliverance
that the Lord will accomplish for me today. For the Lord will fight
for me” (Ex. 14.13,14)
 That “the God of peace will shortly crush Satan under my feet”
(Rom. 16.20)
 That “I take the shield of faith to quench all the flaming arrows of
the evil one” (Eph.6.16)
 That “I am born of God and by my faith I have victory that
conquers the world” (1 Jn. 5. 4)
 That “God forgives all my iniquity and heals all my diseases” (Ps.
 That “By the wounds of Jesus I am healed” (Is. 53.5; 1 Pet.2.24)
 That “I shall not die, but I shall live, and recount the deeds of the
Lord” (Ps.118. 17)
 That “My God will sprinkle clean water upon me, and cleanse me
from all my uncleanness; He will give me a new heart and put a
new spirit within me” (Ezk. 36.26)
 That “The blood of Jesus cleanses me from all (my) sin” (1 Jn. 1.7)
 That “If we confess our sins, he who is faithful and just will
forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all (our) unrighteousness”
(1 Jn. 1.9)
 That “though my sins are like scarlet, they shall be white as
snow”(Is. 1.18)
 That “my God will again have compassion on me; he will tread my
iniquities under foot. He will cast all my sins into the depths of the
sea” (Micah 7.9)

 That “I will trust, and will not be afraid, for the Lord God is my
strength and my might; he has become my salvation” (Is. 12.2)
 That “there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ
Jesus” (Rom.8.1)
 That “if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation : everything
old has passed away; everything has become new” (2 Cor. 5.17)
 That “what is impossible for me is possible for God” (Lk. 18.27)
 That “I am God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in me” (1
Cor. 3.16)
 That “the Holy Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in me,
he who raised Christ from the dead will give life to my mortal body
also” (Rom. 8.11)
 That “by the power at work within me, God is able to accomplish
abundantly far more than all I can ask or imagine” (Eph. 3.20)
 That “the Holy Spirit will convict me of my sins” (Jn.16.8)
 That “the Holy spirit will lead me to the fullness of truth” (Jn.
 That “the Holy Spirit will teach me everything and remind me of
all that Jesus has said” (Jn. 14.26)
 That ‘the Holy Spirit helps me to understand Divine Mysteries’
(1 Cor.2.11)
 That ‘by the power of the Holy Spirit I can “put to death the deeds
of the body (Rom 8.13)
 That ‘by the power of the Holy Spirit I can accept sufferings
joyfully (Rom 5.3-5; 1 Pet 4.12,13)

Mary Pereira